Classes ======= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :hidden: self SSP_Tools.Integrators --------------------- RK3 +++ .. class::RK3( RK4 +++ RK5 +++ RK6 +++ RK7 +++ RK ++ SSPRK +++++ ODE23S ++++++ ODE45 +++++ SSP104 ++++++ BackwardEuler +++++++++++++ LNL +++ MSRK ++++ SSP_Tools.Discretizers ---------------------- FiniteDifference ++++++++++++++++ KorenLimiter ++++++++++++ Spectral ++++++++ WenoCore ++++++++ SSP_Tools.TestProblems ---------------------- .. mat:class:: SSP_Tools.TestProblems.TestProblem .. mat:class:: SSP_Tools.TestProblems.ODE .. mat:method:: step(dt) Advance the `ODE` by a single time step of `dt`. .. mat:method:: approximate( t, 'dt'=, ['tolT'=1e-15] ) Advance the `ODE` to to within `tolT` of `t` using increments of `dt`. .. mat:class:: SSP_Tools.TestProblems.PDE .. mat:method:: step(dt) Advance the `PDE` by a single time step of `dt`. .. mat:method:: approximate( t, ['dt'|'cfl'=0.2], ['tolT'=1e-15] ) Advance the `PDE` to within `tolT` of `t`. If both `dt` and `cfl` are unspecified, the approximation will be performed using steps of size :math:`\Delta{t}=0.2\Delta{x}`. Dalquist ++++++++ LinearODE +++++++++ NonLinearODE ++++++++++++ StiffODE ++++++++ Vanderpol +++++++++ Advection +++++++++ BuckleyLeverett +++++++++++++++ Burgers +++++++ SSP_Tools.Tests --------------- Approximation +++++++++++++ ConvergenceODE ++++++++++++++ ConvergencePDE ++++++++++++++ Positivity ++++++++++ SSP +++ Animation +++++++++ SSP_Tools.Factories ------------------- IntegratorFactory +++++++++++++++++ ProblemFactory ++++++++++++++ TestFactory +++++++++++