SSP_Tools is an object-oriented framework where numerical methods and example problems are implemented as classes that must be instantiated as objects before they can be used. There are three main class hierarchies in SSP_Tools that support the approximation the differential equations: Discretizers, Integrators, and TestProblems.
In addition to these are the Tests and Reports hierarchies. Within the Tests hierarchy are classes implementing common tests that may be performed on the numerical methods, and Reports hierachry contains classes which describe various reports which apply those tests to multiple methods for easy comparisons.
Finally, there is the Factories hierachy which includes support classes for using the SSP_Tools from within an interactive shell.
Integrator objects implement time-stepping methods that numerically solve ordinary differential equations or systems of ordinary differential equations of the form \(y'=f(y)\).
All Integrator objects require at least three things at initialization:
yp = @(y) y;
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3('yPrimeFunc', yp);
y = 1.0
t = 0.0;
dt = 0.1;
for i=1:100
y = dudt.step(y, t, dt);
t = t + dt;
Discretizer objects implement spatial discretization schemes which approximate the spatial derivative and use the method of lines to transform a Partial Differential Equation of the form \(u_t = f(u)_x\) into a system of Ordinary Differential Equations \(y'=L(u)\) that may then be solved using an Integrator object.
The following example links a first-order finite difference method in space with SSP(3,3) in time to solve the advection equation \(u_t = a{u_x}\) where \(a = 1.0\) over an equally-spaced grid of 101 points on the domain \([-1,1]\) with \(u(x,0) = sin(pi*x)\) using stepsize \(\Delta{t} = 0.2*\Delta{x}\).
x = linspace(-1, 1, 31);
u = sin(pi*x);
t = 0.0;
dx = min(diff(x));
dt = 0.2*dx;
u_x = @(u) u;
dudx = SSP_Tools.Discretizers.FD('f', u_x, 'em', 1.0);
yp = @(u,t) dudx.L(x,u,t);
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3('yPrimeFunc', yp);
for i=1:100
u = dudt.step(u, t, dt);
t = t + dt;
TestProblem objects describe common example problems and abstract away much of the logistics of configuring the numerical methods used to solve them.
The following example solves the Dalquist Equation \(y' = y\) with the initial condition \(y(0) = 1.0\) using SSP(3,3).
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3('yPrimeFunc', yp);
Problem = SSP_Tools.TestProblems.Dalquist('integrator', dudt);
dt = 0.1;
for i=1:100
Problem.step(y, t, dt);
y = Problem.y;
t = Problem.t;
They also provide an simpler interface for obtaining an approximate solution at a given value of \(t\). The following code performs the same approximation as the previous code, but hides the time-stepping loop.
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3('yPrimeFunc', yp);
Problem = SSP_Tools.TestProblems.Dalquist('integrator', dudt);
Problem.approximate(1.0, 'dt', 0.1);
y = Problem.y;
t = Problem.t;
In some cases, TestProblem classes also can provide an exact, analytic solution.
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3('yPrimeFunc', yp);
Problem = SSP_Tools.TestProblems.Dalquist('integrator', dudt);
Problem.approximate(1.0, 'dt', 0.1);
y_apprx = Problem.y;
y_exact = Problem.get_exact_solution();
t = Problem.t;
There are also TestProblem classes for Partial Differential Equations. The following example pairs a first-order finite difference method in space with SSP(3,3) in time to solve the advection equation \(u_t = a{u_x}\) where \(a = 1.0\) over an equally-spaced grid of 101 points on the domain \([-1,1]\) with \(u(x,0) = sin(pi*x)\) using stepsize \(\Delta{t} = 0.2*\Delta{x}\).
dudx = SSP_Tools.Discretizers.FD();
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3();
Problem = SSP_Tools.TestProblems.Advection('a', 1.0, ...
'discretizer', dudx, ...
'integrator', dudt, ...
'N', 101, ...
'domain', [-1,1], ...
'initial_condition', 'sinewave' );
Problem.approximate(1.0, 'cfl', 0.2);
u = Problem.u;
t = Problem.t;
This code does the same approximation, but steps forward in time using a stepsize \(\Delta{t} = 0.001\).
dudx = SSP_Tools.Discretizers.FD();
dudt = SSP_Tools.Integrators.RK3();
Problem = SSP_Tools.TestProblems.Advection('a', 1.0, ...
'discretizer', dudx, ...
'integrator', dudt, ...
'N', 101, ...
'domain', [-1,1], ...
'initial_condition', 'sinewave' );
Problem.approximate(1.0, 'dt', 0.001);
u = Problem.u;
t = Problem.t;